Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The madness of Turkey's turkey

Blame everything that goes wrong on Israel.  I wish someone could carve up the vast expanses of Saudi Arabia and let Israel have that land instead of the tiny little space her people breathe in now while there are dragons all around her breathing down her neck.  Archaeologists know for a fact that tens of  thousands of miles of Saudi Arabia's land close to the Israeli borders was inhabited by the Jewish people long before the present mapping of Saudi Arabia was done by the British  and  before the hordes of  murderers drove them out of areas which belonged to the Jews of old.  Why is Israel not making a claim on those areas?  Why is Israel on the defensive always?   Everybody loves a strong horse, but Israel these days seem to have developed a very pronounced limp.

If only Israel and Iran could sort out their differences and gang up on the rest ... the possibilities are endless....and every single one of them would be in Israel's favor.  A joint agreement to oversee each other's nuclear facilities would be a start.

If only the stinko Obama had sided with the student revolution, Iran's govt.  would have been different today and Iran would not have been the country most feared and hated by Israel and others worldwide.

From TodayZaman:
.....Prime Minister Recep   Tayyip Erdoğan has suggested that Israel was behind the military coup that ousted Egypt's first democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi, in early July, adding that the Turkish government has evidence to prove the Israeli hand in it.
The evidence Erdoğan gave for the alleged Israeli involvement was a meeting in France before elections in Egypt in 2011 between an Israeli justice minister and an unnamed intellectual whom he quoted as saying the Muslim Brotherhood would not be in power even if it wins elections. He was speaking to members of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) in Ankara on Tuesday.

"What is said about Egypt? That democracy is not the ballot box. Who is behind this? Israel is. We have the evidence in our hands," Erdoğan said. "That's exactly what happened."

The evidence Erdoğan was referring to was a video of a press conference by Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and French philosopher and author Bernard-Henri Levy.

A video of the two, dating back to 2011, shows Levy saying: "If the Muslim Brotherhood arrives in Egypt, I will not say democracy wants it, so let democracy progress. Democracy is not only elections, it is also values."

Pressed further as to whether he would urge Egypt's military to intervene against the Muslim Brotherhood, Levy says: "I will urge the prevention of them coming to power, but by all sorts of means."

“If we stay silent in the face of the coup in Egypt, we will not have the right to say something if they set the same trap for us in the future,” said Erdoğan.........

From Reuters:
The United States condemned comments      by Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accusing Israel of having a hand in the Egyptian military's overthrow of president Mohamed Mursi, a White House spokesman said on Tuesday.

"We strongly condemn the statements that were made by Prime Minister Erdogan today. Suggesting that Israel is somehow responsible for recent events in Egypt is offensive, unsubstantiated, and wrong," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters in a briefing.......

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