Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Propagandizing with deliberately chosen neutral sounding verbiage

Extremely disappointed today to come to the realization that Dr. Joshua Landis, the operator of  the blog Syria Comment, after teetering for a while on Assad's side, then with the opposition, then again with Assad, then again with the rebels, then with Assad, then again with cannibals .... has finally decided to throw his all with putrid John McCain and propagandize now at his blog that the terrorists are winning.  Just the other day, one of the other writers at the same blog, posted a picture of some bricks and minor damage to a wall as something of super significance to show how the cannibals are now on the outskirts of Damascus and insinuated that Damascus would likely fall into their hands.  I hope other readers of  the Syria Comment  blog have also come to realize how the blog has turned into a pure propaganda tool for the USA's motives in Syria. 

Wonder if Prof Landis has been promised a diplomatic post if the USA's terrorist army wins in Syria.

This is what Landis had to say  today:
The Syrian Arab Army is on the retreat    in the North, Aleppo, Idlib and now some high points East of Latakia as well. The Free Syrian Army is making progress in Damascus countryside as well. These important advances seem to have reversed the momentum that the Syrian regime captured following its successful campaign at Qusair. Many have begun to speculate that roles have been reversed and that the Syrian Arab Army is now in retreat in contrast to few months ago......
If one wants to get away from both the pro-Assad and anti-Assad  propaganda,  we should go beyond the MSM in the USA to get at least a somewhat middle-of-the road picture of what is really going on in Syria. 

From XinhuanetChina:
Rebels fight in Syrian coast to cover losses in central region.  The rebels recent battles in the Syrian coast, particularly against villages of Alawite minorities, are deemed by experts as an attempt to cover their abject failure in the central region and to stir up an outright sectarian strife in the war-ravaged country.

On Sunday, the rebels launched an all-out assault against villages in the coastal province of Latakia in what they called the battle to liberate the coast. The attack was seen by opposition activists as a powerful blow to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad as coast is the heartland of his rule, whose elite members belong to the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

Rebel fighters succeeded to capture a number of villages in the northeast of Latakia, close to the Turkish border and adjacent to Jabal al-Zawieh and other areas of the province of Idlib, which has largely spiraled out of the government’s control.

Speaking of military gains in some captured towns, military expert Turki Hasan told Xinhua that rebels are trying to achieve some sort of balance with the government troops that have made huge progress in central and southern region.

In a related development, around six radical factions reportedly attacked the countryside of Latakia, killing about 21 Syrian officers and 136 civilians, including women and children, according to unconfirmed media reports.

To retrieve the rebel-captured towns in Latakia, the Syrian army has reportedly unleashed a counter-attack, managing to regain two villages on Tuesday.

However, the rebels’ attack was seen by experts as an ” adventure” that would end with defeat because of the rugged landscape of the villages and the social nature of their people, who despise radical groups in that spot of Syria...........

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