Friday, August 30, 2013

Prisoners to be used as human shields in Syria ?

This is just one of the many, many, many reasons why every reasonable human being should do their best to stop warmongers in their tracks.  Each additional strike at the enemy will provoke even more mayhem ... if not on the USA, then on others within reach of the enemy.    War brings out the worst in men.  We know it and yet we don't do much to stop wars.

Carlo Munoz writing at TheHill:
 ....Embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad is moving prisoners taken by the regime to military sites across the country that could be targeted by U.S. forces 
Buses reportedly filled with Syrian prisoners streamed from facilities in Damascus toward the Mezzeh airbase to the south of the city, according to recent reports. 
Mezzeh airbase is likely one of the key military targets U.S. military and intelligence officials have tagged for missile strikes in the country. 
The move is a possible sign that Assad is planning to use human shields as a way to deter American warships from launching missile strikes against vital military installations in the country. .............

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