Tuesday, August 27, 2013

One of our prized imports tries to impress a flight attendant .......

and not only inconveniences other passengers but  his action will likely mean that we the taxpayers will have to  pay for his upkeep in prison ... where he is most likely headed.  Would be good if we could just deport this turkey if he is  not a full fledged citizen already.  

Michael Nguyen writing at TorontoSun:
.....It was mass-murder threats allegedly uttered aboard a Toronto-to-Istanbul flight that led to serious charges against a Turkish national, QMI Agency has learned.

"You will hear 'bang bang' and everyone is going to die," a flight attendant was told on Air Transat flight TS100, a source says.

The pilot of the Airbus A330 with 316 passengers on board turned back 90 minutes out of Montreal's Trudeau Airport on Sunday.

Dogan Akkaya, 25, of Toronto, was arrested and charged with committing a hoax regarding terrorist activity as well as assault, threats and criminal harassment. The terror-related charge could land him a 10-year-prison term.

Sources tell QMI that the disturbance began shortly after the flight departed Montreal at 6:35 p.m. on Sunday. A man tried to go to the toilet during takeoff, but was stopped by a flight attendant, provoking an altercation.

Akkaya's bail hearing, scheduled for Tuesday, was postponed after his lawyer requested a psychiatric evaluation..........

1 comment:

  1. "The terror-related charge could land him a 10-year-prison term."
    Bah, this is Canada, he might get a year at the most in jail.


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