Thursday, August 22, 2013

Newspeak is Doublespeak, Doublespeak is Newspeak ....all hail Big Brother

Dr.  Jonathan Matusitz from the Univ. of Central Florida's Nicholson School of Communication, believes firmly in calling a spade a spade and lays bare how the gods who rule over us mere mortals want to desensitize us from any myriad of "fears" and whatnot that they think we weak little nobodies need protection from.   The vid below was posted in Dec.2012. 
I believe he gave a talk last week which was organized by ACT for America and CAIR did their evil best to stop him but to no avail.

Here's what ACT for America says  at a short clip posted about that recent event in Florida: The Council on American Islamic relations,  a group founded in part with seed money from a Designated Terrorist Organization, and an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror financing trial, attempted to block citizens in Brevard County, Florida from meeting in a public building to discuss terrorism and efforts to replace the constitution with Sharia law. 

In spite of CAIR's harassment of county officials and smear campaign against the citizen's group, a local chapter of ACT! for America and the speaker at the event, a professor at the University of South Florida, the county defended the group's First Amendment rights and the meeting was allowed to take place.

The room was filled as over 200 attended. The speaker, Professor Jonathan Matusitz, is from Belgium where the capitol city, Brussels, is expected to become majority Muslim in 17 years. Politicians there have vowed to replace Belgian law with Sharia law.

ACT! for America is the nation's largest national security advocacy organization. Find out more at
ACT for America

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