Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood in her Royal Majesty's service?

UPDATE:  Very important for people who want to know some well-kept secrets of the M16.  I just finished reading the paper and now I understand more fully  why the UK is the first nation of the EU that will be fully islamized in the very near future.

Anything is possible when your business is invading, looting and colonizing countries far away from your shores.  The paper below is long.  I haven't read more than the first few paragraphs but those few tell me I will learn a lot more as I read on.

Ramtanu Maitra writing at LarouchePublications:
....Does this mean a split occurred within the Brotherhood over the Morsi regime's rule, or misrule, in Egypt? That is highly unlikely. Since its inception in Egypt in 1928, this international outfit has had many faces:

In 1928, Egypt was under British control, although not a British colony, and the Brotherhood built links with British intelligence and worked to help the British.

It formed an alliance with the Nazis during World War II.

It then returned to serve British interests once more, trying oust the nationalist regime of President Gamal Abdel Nasser.

It was a key player in the rise of the Islamic jihadist groups that helped the West to push Soviet troops out of Afghanistan.

It allowed its followers to attack the West's assets, culminating in the 9/11 attack on American soil.

It is now back again serving the West by providing manpower for "regime change" in the Arab world and North Africa, and undermining Russian interests in Central Asia.

This circuitous route has hidden the Brotherhood's real objective from many, while enabling it to secure help from various international intelligence agencies, particularly British, and thus to spread its wings further in the Arab world, North Africa, Central Asia, and Europe.

The MB, which is an underground and secretive organization in most countries, of course requires money to operate, and needs protection. This makes it vulnerable to penetration by various intelligence agencies and also dependent on its financial patrons, such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Qatar's expenditure of bucketfuls of money to prop up Morsi & Co. allowed that country to get a grip on the Egyptian President, the FJP, and Egypt as a whole, thus expanding its influence beyond the shores of the Arabian peninsula. In addition, the Dubai website Nuqudy reported that ever since Qatar's announcement of a billion dollar loan to Egypt, the opposition to Morsi claimed that .........

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