Friday, August 23, 2013

Muslim Bastardhood rallies in Egypt fizzling out .........

however,  other idiots are clamoring to destroy Egypt,  which all goes to prove that the Muslims are NEVER happy.  You can lasso the sun and the moon and all the stars and planets in the heavens and drop them in their laps and they will still continue be unhappy and demand even more.  

David Kirkpatrick and Rod Nordland writing at NYTimes:
....Thousands opposed    to the military’s government takeover tried to demonstrate across Egypt on Friday, but in the capital, at least, a tight lockdown by security forces stifled major protests or violence.......

......But as the Brotherhood pulled back, there were signs that at least a few more liberals or non-Islamists were joining the protests against General Sisi.

“We are here to demand justice for the martyrs who died — all the martyrs,” said Abdo Qassem, 25, who appeared on the cover of Time magazine as an example of the liberal activists who led the 2011 revolt against Hosni Mubarak. On Friday he led a reprise of the old “freedom” chants at a rally in Giza against the military takeover.

“Democracy should be respected even if it brings results the people are not happy with,” he said, “and the army should be protesting us, not shooting us.”.........

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