Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Live updates for today August 27 on World War III .....

brought to you  by the USA, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and other warmongers ganging up on a legitimate government of a sovereign nation fighting Al Qaeda and affiliates. Did you ever think a day would come when Israel would team up with Saudi Arabia and other demons from the hellholes?  Did you ever think a day would come when the West would fund and arm Al Qaeda and affiliates, openly and without any qualms?

Well the day is here and you better believe it.  It's happening right before our eyes.  The bullies of the world are showing us that they are  indeed bullies and we better STFU if we know what's good for us.

From GuardianUK    

From Google  

From Russia's RT     

Telegraph UK  

Mirror UK  

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