Friday, August 23, 2013

Let's take a look at the extremist organizers in charge of the proposed "Million Muslim March on 9/11"

I wonder how the tens of thousands of family members  of the thousands of innocents who died on September 11, 2001 will be feeling on the 12th anniversary of  that terrible day.  I wonder how it is possible that there can be a "Million" of disgusting Muslims and their more disgusting supporters, the deplorable "Truthers" ... who have the audacity  to think that 9/11 should be about Muslims and not about the thousands of Americans who died in the most horrifying way possible on that most horrific of days.

What should  this initiative for rallying Muslims and their supporters for a  Million Muslim March (which they are now labeling "Million American March") tell you? 

If this initiative to call a Million Muslim March on 9/11 does not tell you  how the Muslim segment, in their new countries, show complete low values and a total lack of patriotism, then you are deaf, blind and stupid and nobody should spend  even a moment of their time on you.

Furthermore, if you cannot see how very lacking in empathy Muslims generally are with the non-Muslim population of  any country they migrate to, leave alone what they are planning in America .........then let me once again emphasize that you are deaf, blind and totally stupid.  

From the vids below you will notice that only FoxNews is covering this affront by the Muslims on the American people....not a single other news channel has carried this (at least I couldn't find vids from any other.)  That's how much anti their own country these other news channels have become.  

Ryan Mauro writing at ClarionProject: 
.....Million Muslim March on 9/11 Linked to Islamist Radicals.  Don't believe the claims of the organizers who say that the march is being held to battle fear and discrimination. They are wordsmiths.

In multiple media appearances, the organizers of the Million American March Against Fear (formerly the Million Muslim March), which will be held on September 11, claim that the march is being held to battle fear, discrimination and human rights violations. They are being wordsmiths. This is an Islamist-linked, conspiracy-promoting political rally that uses 9/11 to push an anti-Western narrative.

The march is being organized by American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC), an organization linked to Islamist radicals and 9/11 “Truthers.”  The head organizers have personal histories of promoting an Islamist agenda for America, anti-Semitism and 9/11 conspiracy theories. In fact, according to one of the organizers, the name of the march was changed to accommodate non-Muslim 9/11 conspiracy theory groups.

On its website, AMPAC says:

“'Al-Qaeda’ is a joke. And so is the whole ‘war on terror.’”
​“Whether or not Al-Qaeda is completely mythical, the so-called ‘Islamic terrorist threat’ is pure hallucination.” 
“Muslims, too, live in fear—of being dragged off into the night to Guantanamo and tortured, simply for the crime of being Muslim in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
A number of Muslim organizations have signed on for the Million American March Against Fear on 9/11. These include: 

Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity 
Muslim American Society, a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity 
American Muslim Alliance 
American Muslim Task Force 
Muslims for Liberty 
Muslim March Against Terrorism 
Mosque Care (North Carolina)
Muslim American PAC (NJ)
North American Bangladeshi Association for Bangladesh
South Asian Chamber of Commerce
The rally’s website also claims support from a number of non-Muslim political groups including Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Movement, DC Area 9/11 Truth Movement, March Against Drones and the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

AMPAC, the organization behind the march, is headed by MD Rabbi Alam, a controversial figure who is a documented 9/11 “Truther.”  Last July, the Clarion Project discovered that Alam is personally associated with the pro-Hamas Islamist group Viva Palestina (VP) and that a number of Alam’s officials have served in official capacities for VP...........

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