Monday, August 19, 2013

Indonesia makes concentrated effort to speed back to cavemen era

There goes another one of those highly advertised "moderate" Muslim hellholes.  The target as always, is the deliberate and systematic brainwashing of children.   Reducing  Science, English and IT studies but increasing Religious tuition is a sure fire way  to breeding more jihadis and terrorists supreme.   Another few years or so and there will be red, hot, molten trouble for the Christians, Buddhists and Hindus who make a sizeable percentage of Indonesia's population.  One does not have to be a Nostradamus to see it happening.

Mong Palatino writing at GlobalVoices:
Indonesia has recently implemented a curriculum  reform in over 6,000 schools which instantly generated backlash owing to lack of preparations and the removal of Science, English, and Information Technology as separate subjects.

At the primary level, 11 subjects were reduced into 6 subjects while class hours were raised from 26 hours to 30 hours every week. The teaching of the English language and science was merged with priority subject areas such as Bahasa Indonesia, nationalism and religious studies. Additional two hours were allocated for religious studies. At the senior high school level, students were required to join the national scouting organization for their extracurricular activity.

The focus on civic and religious education is meant to develop the youth’s “sense of morality and social responsibility.” In particular, the reforms were conceptualized to make students “tolerant and peaceful” in response to the growing problem of violence in schools.

New teaching methods were also introduced aside from promoting a curriculum that adopts the “integrative thematic concept.”..........

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