Friday, August 9, 2013

Guess why teens are not getting top A level grades?

HAHAHAHAHAHAH !   Don't you just love it!   It's because their papers are not marked correctly....that's why.  Who says so?  Ofqual,  the qualifications watchdog in the islamized Britain says so.... and you better sit up and take notice. This slippery slope is gonna come to Canada and  the USA  and the rest of the soon to be caliphated world.   

Know how they will start?  It will be with language studies, just like in the UK.  Courses in English or French or German, etc.will have a "lowered expectations" discipline for grading because the need to appease immigrants to UK, France, Germany is much more important than equality and fairness.   What they say right now about not "recalibrating" grades for "English"  .... don't believe it.  That's the first thing they have in mind for non-English speaking students.  What they are not saying though is that Arabic will be on offer too  the more number of students taking that course, the more they  will benefit by the lowered expectations.  Get it infidels?  They are already laying the groundwork for this generation and the coming one to learn the language of their shariah masters.

Graeme Paton writing at TelegraphUK:
....Ofqual is to launch an investigation    into “variations” in the number of A* and A grades awarded in traditional sixth-form exams, it was revealed.

In a report, the regular said the proportion of top marks differed significantly between subjects each year.
It raised particularly concerns over modern foreign languages such as French, German and Spanish, with warnings that examiners award “relatively few” elite A*s compared with other disciplines.
Over the next year, the watchdog will evaluate the way subjects are graded “so that standards are as comparable and consistent as possible”, it emerged.
The disclosure – in Ofqual’s new corporate plan – comes just a week before 300,000 teenagers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland prepare to receive their results.............

............In today’s report, Ofqual said it did not plan to "recalibrate" A-level standards when new courses are introduced in subjects such as English, science, maths, history and geography in 2015.
But Ofqual added: "There are two features of performance standards at present that we plan to address.
"First, relatively few A* grades are awarded in modern foreign languages when compared with other subjects with a high proportion of A grades. Secondly, there are variations in the proportion of A* to A grades awarded at A level each year in subjects.
"We plan to evaluate both of these features and to make improvements so that standards are as comparable and consistent as possible."...........

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