Saturday, August 31, 2013

Guess where the headchoppers,cannibals and rapists rampaging in Syria get the money to make videos of those acts

$5.3 Million of our Canadian taxpayers'  money went  to the "opposition" to counter "propaganda by Assad." 
What a novel way for our esteemed Canadian government  to get us, as well as the world at large, watch with horror and revulsion some of the following, which were a direct result of Canadian benevolence ... wouldn't you say:


bodies torn up in tiny bits;

our allies eating human hearts and livers; 

dogs, cats, goats, rats, birds in the throes of death from poison gas testing;

lots of blood flowing in streets with a "naan" (bread)  in the blood to show that Assad killed people waiting in queues for bread,;

Christian girl tortured, raped, killed ... and for good measure a crucifix jammed down her throat;

hundreds of churches destroyed;

little Alawite children killed and hung up on hooks;

Alawite or Christian little boy hanged;  (remember. we saw the pic ...but never got the full horror story);

women and children held hostage until "Assad's regime" released prisoners;

Christian priests murdered in cold blood;

videos of jihadists telling us we are all gonna be next as they are coming to get us too; 

Armenians found wearing crucifix brutally murdered;

jihadists telling everybody all around how shariah will be introduced to all;

pics of Christian and Alawite women in rebel controlled areas made to wear burkhas  in accordance with fatwas issued;

etc. etc, etc, etc. etc, etc, etc. etc, etc, 

I wonder how much the airhead leader of the Liberals would have given if Libs were in power.  Probably 10 times that amount and might have also committed us to bombarding Syria alongside the other airhead down south. Although, Canada should not have contributed to this madness in any way at all,  I still think we should look at it as "Thank God for small mercies"  because if the Libs were in power  instead of the Conservatives, it would have been much, much, worse.

Justin Ling writing at NationalPost:
Canada has given $5.3M to Syrian opposition    to support rebel efforts to counter Assad’s propaganda: source.
Canada has given more than $5.3-million to the Syrian opposition to set up pirate radio, train bloggers and document war crimes by the Syrian government, the National Post has learned.

The information, provided by a senior source at the Department of Foreign Affairs, shows Canada has been working with the U.S. and Britain to help rebels inside the war-torn country counter the propaganda put out by Bashar al-Assad’s state-controlled media.

The funding from Ottawa — which was disbursed through the Canadian Stabilization & Reconstruction Task Force — was paid in two tranches: $1-million in April, 2012; and the remainder in the fall of 2012.

The biggest chunk, $1.8-million, went to a P-CAT — for planning for a civil administration and transition, a U.S. initiative developed in Afghanistan that helps local leaders to prepare for post-war government........

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