Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Diversity .... French style !!

Make of it what you will.  Young Muslim girl attacked for wearing a veil.  This is the much feared result  when there is  unbridled import of a people with a culture that just won't try by even an iota to assimilate with the people of the country they migrate to.   I  for one, don't blame the immigrants with their cavemen culture,  I blame the politicians who are responsible for bringing them in without  first apprizing the immigrants what would be expected of them in the non-Muslim country  they wish to adopt as their new home.  Political correctness  by not being blunt with  Muslim immigrants and pretending that the cult they follow and their face covering  is acceptable to one and all is going to lead to horrific events here too.  The incidents in France are just a taste of what's to come .... and along with the Muslim immigrants all immigrants of color are bound to suffer too at the hands of skinheads and others who are ignorant of  geography, history and cultures. 

....A 16-year old girl was attacked    in Paris suburb and had the Islamic veil she was wearing torn from her face. As anti-Islamic attacks in France soar, a French Muslim leader condemned the ‘climate of Islamophobia’ and urged the government to act.

The teenager was leaving a friend’s house in Trappes at about 5:45 pm, when she was attacked by two “European looking” men, one of whom was also described as having a shaven head.   
Her assailants then shouted anti-Muslim and racist abuse at her while brandishing a box cutter, before tearing off her veil, pushing her to the ground and hitting her. 

A third man intervened saving the girl and the attackers fled by car. The victim was driven to hospital in Trappes, the same blighted suburb of Paris that saw violent clashes between police and mainly Muslim youths last month. 

A source told the newspaper le Parisien that she was treated for “light scratch marks” on her face and throat. She reported the incident to the police on Tuesday. 

The French Interior Minister Manuel Valls was quick to condemn the attack.

“I severely condemn this newest demonstration of anti-Muslim hatred and intolerance. Police services have been fully mobilized so that the authors of this unacceptable attack are identified, found, arrested and handed over to the courts,” he said. 

This latest attack is one of many anti-Muslim incidents in France, which have risen by 60% in recent months. 
There were two days of rioting in Trappes in July after a woman in full Islamic head gear was stopped by police. While in June, a Muslim woman allegedly had a miscarriage after being assaulted by skinheads in Argenteuil, although it was not clear if the attack was the direct cause of the loss of her baby. This came just three weeks after another attack on a veiled woman in Argenteuil. ....

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