Thursday, August 29, 2013

Canada's Foreign Affair Minister Baird blathers on clueless

If the present ruling party, the Conservative govt. of  PM Stephen Harper so much as by even a tenth of an inch sides with Obama's madness to carry out strikes on Syria ... then believe you me ... come the next election,  it's "goodbye Harper"  and "hello Trudeau"  .... that's a foregone conclusion.  One of  Canada's largest voting block (might be even the largest) is the segment that is now bursting at the seams with Chinese, Indian and Middle Eastern immigrants and you will have a hard time to find even 1% of that segment in favor of interfering in  countries we have no business interfering with.

So .... go ahead dear Hon. John Baird, keep shooting at the mouth with your ineffectual nothings ... just so long as Canada stays put in Canada. 

From SunNews:
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird promises  Canada will do more as the "brutal struggle" drags on in Syria - but he says it's not yet clear whether we have the firepower in the region to contribute to a possible military strike.

Canada will have to wait for U.S. President Barack Obama's definitive decision on a strike against Syria and until then, "we don't know whether we have the capacity to be part of any military engagement, which by all accounts will be limited in focus," Baird said.

Baird was speaking in Montreal on Wednesday after meeting with George Sabra, head of the Syrian National Council. The Syrian opposition leader is currently in Canada on a speaking tour.

Canada agrees with the U.S., the U.K. and France that the reported chemical weapons attack in Damascus on Aug. 21 warrants a "firm response" from the international community.

"The Syrian regime has charted a dangerous path - and the appropriate consequences will follow," Baird said.

Still, he conceded a United Nations Security Council resolution authorizing military action is unlikely. Both Russia and China have repeatedly used their security council veto power to block international action in the Syrian conflict.

Canada has sent almost $160 million in humanitarian aid to the region since January 2012.............

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