Saturday, August 17, 2013

Awwww ... poor Turkey getting stuffed. *sob* *sniff* ... so sad!

Erdogan's goose is cooked.  This is the right time for the Kurds to carve a bigger, juicier slice of Turkey unto their plate.  You Kurds won't  get invited to another feast like the present one.

Soner Cagaptay writing at TheAtlantic:
Today, Turkey and Egypt recalled their ambassadors from each other's capitol, signaling a major downturn in bilateral ties. At the same time, Turkey's influence in Cairo seems to be winding down.

Indeed, Turkey's ambitious drive to become a Middle East power by influencing the region's Muslim Brotherhood-inspired parties appears to have been upended. The Brotherhood has fallen from government in Egypt, failed to elect its candidate to lead the Syrian opposition, and has been sidelined in Libya. Qatar, which had hitherto allied itself with Ankara to fund MB-style parties, appears to be changing its heart after an unexpected change in leadership.

With the MB clinging to power only in remote Tunisia, Ankara has turned to an unexpected Middle East ally: Kurds, an ethnic group the Turkish government has historically been at odds with. Turkey's goal this time, though, is not to shape the region, but simply to shield itself from massive Middle East instability.

After coming to power in 2002, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Ankara introduced a novel foreign policy that turned the country's attention to the Middle East, a shift that ultimately wedded the Turkish government to the MB..........

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