Thursday, August 15, 2013

Algeria .... another country where islamists might rear their ugly heads

Algeria's secularists better nip in the bud the plague of islamists  unless you think you can handle the kind of madness  happening in Egypt and Syria to happen in Algeria too.  Prevention  is better than the cure.

Olivier Guitta writing at WeeklyStandard:
...  Algerian president Abdelaziz Bouteflika  returned to Algiers on July 16 after three months in a hospital in Paris. His health will prevent him from running for reelection in April, and it’s unclear whether he can run the country until then. As a result, the contest over his succession is already gearing up, and the Islamists are first out of the starting blocks. The United States and the European Union—along with China, a major presence in energy-rich Algeria—are closely monitoring this latest round in the continuing struggle over the Islamists’ role in government and society.

Oddly enough, the regime has regarded this trend with complacency. It has even courted conservative Muslim Brothers and named a prime minister sympathetic to the Islamists, Abdelaziz Belkhadem, who served from 2006 to 2008. Belkhadem closed down outlets selling alcoholic beverages, condemned those who broke the fast during Ramadan, hunted illicit couples, and supported restaurants that refused to serve unescorted females. He even called the Koran “the only constitution of Algerian society,” echoing the motto of the Muslim Brotherhood....

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