Thursday, August 8, 2013

Al Qaeda kills more than 400 Kurds .... most of them women and children

Are we ashamed yet?  Are we that helpless that we can't make our esteemed politicians see the light?  Must we continue being the silent observers  and carry on with our  robotic lives while our corrupt leaders arm and fund the terrorists?  What's wrong with us that we can see this horror  done to innocent people and still continue like nothing is happening?  Imagine a loved one from your family dying in such a brutal way ... what would you feel?  Do you think these people, just because they don't speak your language or look like you, or belong to a hateful cult, don't have love and feelings  for their loved ones just like we do?


  1. Latest news suggest Taliban joining opposition. Look forward to 10 more years of Taliban in both Afganistan and Syria.

    1. You said it bro !!
      Actually, the Taliban has been there for several months now. They are damn good at laying IEDs just like how the pallies are good at building tunnels. Lately, there have been some tiny news items cropping up of IEDs and also of tunnels being found in various areas of Syria.


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