Monday, July 15, 2013

Turkey's turkeys deny that Turkey's airport and Turkey's airspace was used by Israeli jets to bomb weapons going to the legitimate govt. of Syria ....

which weapons Israel "claims" would be used against Israel and LOL not against the army of cannibals destroying Syria and making millions of Syrians into refugees .... some of which refugees, we hear are being brought to Canada as well as to other Judeo-Christian countries.

What a wonderful world!   A country we were supporting now joins up with countries we detest to help the most vilest of monsters.   I for one am looking at Israel and Israel's policies with eyes wide open and definitely not liking what I see.

From Today'sZaman (which is a pro-govt newspaper of Turkey)
....Dismissing reports that Israel  used an airbase in Turkey to carry out airstrikes on Syrian Mediterranean port city of Latakia, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said that such claims have been circulated on purpose in order to defame Turkey because of its active Middle East policy.
In a televised interview on Monday, Davutoğlu said that that reports suggesting that Israel used a Turkish base to target Syria are “absolutely wrong” and the goal of similar news reports is to defame Turkey. “These claims are absolutely untrue. The news outlets putting forward such reports have an aim of defaming Turkey; they also made similar reports [with the same aim] during the Gezi events,” stated Davutoğlu. He also added that Turkish national media outlets that spread those reports are committing an “act of betrayal.”

The English-language Russia Today TV channel reported on Sunday that Israel used a Turkish military base to launch airstrikes against Syria from the sea, citing “a reliable source.”

"Our source is telling us that Israeli planes left a military base inside Turkey and approached Latakia from the sea to make sure that they stayed out of Syrian airspace so that they cannot become a legitimate target for the Syrian air force," RT said.      

The airstrike in Latakia reportedly targeted Russian Yakhont anti-ship missiles, one of the types of advanced weapons that Israeli officials have previously said they would not allow to reach Syria. It would be the fourth known Israeli airstrike against Syria this year..........

From JewishPress:
....According to news reports,  the IAF is maintaining an airbase on Turkish soil, from which it attacked Syrian targets on July 5....
Israel used a Turkish military base to launch one of its recent airstrikes against Syria from the sea, a reliable source told the Russian news agency RT. Last week it was reported that on July 5 Israeli planes attacked a stash of Russian made Syrian rockets in the harbor city of Latakia, Syria.

News that Turkey assisted Israel in attacking a Muslim state could result in serious repercussions for the Recep Tayyip Erdoğan government, if the information is verified.

“Our source is telling us that Israeli planes left a military base inside Turkey and approached Latakia from the sea to make sure that they stayed out of Syrian airspace so that they cannot become a legitimate target for the Syrian air force,” RT’s Paula Slier reported.

Relations between Turkey and Israel were strained until last March, following the Turkish flotilla incident off the coast of Gaza. But the two countries have normalized their relationship after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized to Erdogan.

Turkey is providing training grounds for French and American sponsored anti-President Bashar al-Assad rebels, before helping them infiltrate into Syria.

Anyone reading today the report on this level of cooperation between the Turkish military and Israel (not necessarily with the prior approval of the Turkish prime minister) has to be thinking about the same cooperation against another common enemy – Iran’s nuclear weapons program......

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