Monday, July 1, 2013

So .... the cowards in the Vatican DID cover up for the Syrian terrorists' beheading of a Catholic priest.

Shame on Pope Francis  and shame on everybody in the Holy See who were responsible  for making it look like Fr. Murad died a death other than by the horror of a beheading (see the original news release from the Vatican).

No wonder people are turning away from the Catholic Church and going agnostic or declaring themselves to be outright atheists.  Do you blame them????   When trust and respect dies .... that's it!  If these supposedly "upright"  (yeh ... I laughed too) somebodies in the Catholic Church have no guts to speak up for Christians, what good are they for?

Instead of coming out loud and clear, the entire band of cowards in the Vatican are cowering in the sacristy.

The appropriate stance to take was for  Pope Francis to immediately gather his communications people around him and tell them that the  atrocity  should be made known far and wide and he should have made immediate personal contact with all the  nitwit  leaders of the Judeo-Christian nations  to ask them point-blank if they were still going ahead with their foolhardy plans to arm and support Assad's "opposition".    If they said, they still did,  then Pope Francis should have called a presser and declared to the world the name(s) of those  leaders and called on Christians everywhere to cease supporting the named leaders.

That would have been a no-brainer  for someone with an ounce of guts.  Pope Francis is a coward.

Sharona Schwartz writing at TheBlaze:
....Syrian Catholic priest Francois Murad killed last weekend by jihadi fighters was beheaded, according to a report by Catholic Online which is linking to video purportedly showing the brutal murder.

As TheBlaze reported last week, Murad, 49, was setting up a monastery in Gassanieh, northern Syria. Last Sunday, on the Christian leader’s Sabbath, extremist militants trying to topple President Bashar Assad breached the monastery and grabbed Murad.

While earlier reports suggested Murad may have been shot to death, Catholic Online reported Saturday: “The Vatican is confirming the death by beheading of Franciscan Father, Francois Murad, who was martyred by Syrian jihadists on June 23.”........

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