Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Several bomb blasts in Nigeria....Is Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar funding Boko Haram to kill Christians?

The city of Kano in northern Nigeria has become a favorite target for the Nigerian  Muslim terrorists  calling themselves Boko Haram which means "non-Muslim education is bad" when roughly translated.  This group has grown into an army just like the terrorist group that was plaguing Mali.  The vid below is from about a year ago when the same city had been bombed in five different areas.  The number of dead in the blasts of a few hours ago is unknown at this time.

Where's the money coming from to enable these murderers of innocent people to make their bombs and buy weapons?  Is it coming from Saudi Arabia or from Qatar?  Maybe from the UAE too.  They have been "awarding" hundreds of .scholorships to Nigerian students. It's their way of bribing the young and vulnerable into their cult of no return.  This is also one of the reasons why we here in the West should never permit entities from these Muslim countries to "award" their bribes into our own schools and universities, no matter in what benign guise they are connivingly done.  

According to this article, the terrorists are well equipped with state of the art weaponry, because:  
When the Nigerian military announces its victories against Boko Haram, it usually includes a list of the weapons that soldiers have recovered.  It used to be mostly AK-47s, ammunition and bombs.  More recently the list has included machine guns mounted on trucks, anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns.
Political analyst Nkwachukwu Orji says there is no doubt the group is well-funded.
"If not, they would have fizzled out a long time ago.  But for them to have continually been able to recruit, to train, to acquire their equipment and resources - that means there’s a sustainable way of funding that organization," he said.
Orji wouldn’t even speculate as to exactly who is paying the bills, as very little is known about the group or its funding.  If Nigeria’s intelligence agencies know who is sponsoring the insurgency, they aren’t saying.
What is known, however, is that Boko Haram operations are far more sophisticated than they were when the group began its uprising in 2009 and since then, thousands of people have been killed.

Ibrahim Garba and Michelle Faul wiriting at AP:
.....Multiple explosions rocked a Christian area  in Nigeria's northern Kano city Monday night, with security forces ferrying scores of wounded to hospitals.

A mortuary attendant at Murtala Mohammed Specialists Hospital said at least 10 bodies had been brought in from the scene. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters.

Nigeria is fighting an Islamic uprising by extremists based mainly in the northeast, where the government has declared a state of emergency. Kano city and state are not part of that emergency.

Nigeria's government is fighting an Islamic uprising by a network called Boko Haram, which means "Western education is forbidden." The group wants Islamic law imposed in Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation of more than 160 million, which is divided almost equally between Christians who live mainly in the south and Muslims who dominate the north.

Witness Kolade Ade said at least one blast appeared to come from a Mercedes-Benz parked beside a kiosk selling alcohol and soft drinks.
"After the first bomb, I threw myself into the canal (drain) to hide. There were at least three blasts," he said.
The explosions came as hundreds of people thronged the area in Sabon Gari neighborhood, where some were playing snooker and others table tennis.....

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