Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jihadis bankrolled by the USA, UK and France threaten to kill each and every resident in two besieged towns

Nice going Judeo-Christian nations!   Congratulations on your wonderful foreign policies!

William Murray writing at ReligiousFreedomCoalition
... In a video released  on the internet Islamist fighters, who have been holding Nubbul and al-Zahra under a strict siege for nearly a year now, threatened to carry out “a massive military invasion” on the towns if their demands are not met.

The Syrian army, with support of civilian volunteers, started a major operation in Aleppo, dubbed as “North Storm”, to free the province which has been scene of brutal crimes committed by thousands of Takfiri and extremist militants.

Due to its closeness to the Turkey borders, Aleppo has been a major bastion for militants. Moreover, after the army freed the strategic town of al-Qusseir, many of insurgents have set camps in Aleppo, especially in Northern areas.

Residents of Nubbul and al-Zahra have suffered a long blockade of all kinds of humanitarian supplies since July 2012 when terrorists completely closed the area and killed anyone who tried to exit.......

....In May, a group of a thousand people tried to break the siege, but they were faced with terrorists who attacked the group brutally and killed or arrested many of them. Islamist terrorists surrounding the town beheaded 10 of the men and hung their heads at the entrance of the area so that no one else would run.

More than 50 thousand people live in these two towns while after the crisis broke out some 15000 people also migrated and set camp in there. There are daily reports of abduction and killing of citizens in the area by rebel groups who often film their crimes and post them on the internet.

It is estimated that at least 10 thousand terrorist are currently operating in and around the towns held hostage. Although the Western media reports any claim of abuse made by the Obama supported “rebels” there is never a mention of the atrocities committed by Islamist rebels forces..........

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