Monday, July 8, 2013

EU's Human Rights rules on the 2012 incident against Kosovo Serbs

Below is an example of how disgracefully Muslims treat their vanquished enemies, especially if they are Christian.  Whenever we read anything about Serbia and Kosovo try to remember that it was the USA under Clinton's presidency who spearheaded the NATO initiative against the Serbs (Serbs are predominantly Orthodox Christians)  and  NATO was once again helping Muslims trample and triumph over Christians. In the vid below see how the police thugs make the Serbs remove their T-shirts because the shirts had nationalistic and Christian slogans.

If I was a Muslim I would be gloating over how smart my people are to dupe and taqiyyah their way to victory after victory using the very same doofus Christians to kill other Christians.

....EULEX’s independent human rights panel    said on Monday that the mission had not done enough to ensure the security of Serbs who gathered a year ago to mark the anniversary of the ‘Battle of Kosovo’ in 1389.

The annual commemoration event last May in Gazimestan on St. Vitus Day, celebrated by Serbs as Vidovdan, came after clashes between Kosovo police and Serbs which left more than 60 people injured.

The human rights panel found that EULEX “had allocated insufficient resources to ensure respect for human rights by the Kosovo authorities and third parties during the Vidovdan security operation”, it said in a written statement.

“The complainants submitted that they were the subject of attacks, which included, inter alia, the throwing of stones and Molotov cocktails at teenage children who were travelling on buses from Gazimestan to Gracanica/Gracanice at the conclusion of the Vidovdan celebrations,” the statement said.

“Moreover, the panel found that EULEX failed to conduct a thorough and adequate investigation into the allegations of human rights violations,” it said.

Hundreds of Serbs travelled to Kosovo for the Vidovdan celebrations last year, some wearing nationalist T-shirts and singing Serbian nationalist songs.

On arriving at Gazimestan, they were stopped by police and forced to remove any nationalist symbols.

This provoked groups of mainly Serbs to sing nationalist songs and chant the names of Bosnian Serb military and political chiefs Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic, who are on trial for alleged war crimes in The Hague......

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