Thursday, July 11, 2013

Another Christian killed in Egypt ....

by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood which is in turn supported by Obama and gang.  Great going American voters, all you who voted for him,  for giving the world a Christian-hating president who sides with savages who want nothing but to kill infidels.

From TheOrthodoxChurchBlog:
Authorities say Islamist militants killed and decapitated merchant as part of backlash against anti-Morsi activism.

EL-ARISH, Egypt (AP) — Security officials say suspected militants have killed a Christian merchant in the northern Sinai Peninsula.

They said 60-year-old Magdy Habashi was abducted last Saturday from the town of Sheikh Zweid. His decapitated body was found early Thursday in a cemetery, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

Habashi is the second Christian to be killed in northern Sinai in less than a week. Coptic Christian priest Mina Abboud Sharobeen was gunned down by suspected militants last Saturday as he walked in an outdoor market.

There has been a backlash against Christians by Islamist militants for their activism against former President Mohammed Morsi, ousted by the military on July 3 after a wave of massive protests against his rule.

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