Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Al Qaeda terrorists are kidnappers and headchoppers of French in Mali, whereas; in Syria they are their prized cannibals

Welcome to the real world of cloak and dagger in which if you have a conscience you have to carry a vomit pail instead of  a purse!!

From BBCNews:
... A body found in northern Mali is very likely that of a French national captured by Islamist militants in 2011, France's foreign ministry says.

Al-Qaeda's North Africa branch previously said it had killed geologist Philippe Verdon in retaliation for France's intervention in Mali.

Mr Verdon and another Frenchman were seized in the northern town of Hombori.

Earlier on Sunday, French President Francois Hollande said Mr Verdon appeared to have been killed.

"We have the worst of news on Philippe Verdon," Hollande said in a television interview. "Everything indicates that he died several weeks ago.".......

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