Sunday, June 9, 2013

WTF .... Why would the MSM call people who want to know more about the Bilderberg group "conspiracy theorists"??

Is seeking more knowledge and asking questions about anything that we admit we don't know much about, is that to be ridiculed as being  the thoughts of stupid "conspiracy theorists"?

Are people who want to know the names of the individuals who make up the Bilderberg Group and  how and what criteria they use for the decisions that are made at their meetings, which decisions  affect millions around the world, leave alone the disastrous effects of  grouping countries (the EU was the Bilderberg Group's  invention/idea, as recently disclosed) or the re-mapping of others... are those knowledge seekers to be labelled as "conspiracy theorists" by a profession that has no ethics to speak of?

What kind of decisions are made?  What kind of ideas are bounced around?  Why are CEOs, and ex-Ministers and  ex-Presidents of  several countries sitting in these meetings?  What are they discussing? Are we supposed to let powerful dignitaries from around the world make decisions on our behalf and suffer the consequences of those decisions?

Who elected these people to hold sway over all the peoples of the world and put their money and influence behind electing  puppet heads of  countless countries?

We can understand that Cabinet members of individual countries have discussions within the Cabinet which are not privy to the general public for security reasons.  However, why would we think it is okay to accept that same reasoning  when individuals from several countries get together to "bounce ideas at one another"  like the MSM wants us to believe?   What if those "ideas" are implemented and what if those "ideas" were not a natural fruition from our own country's collective Cabinet decision?

All countries are not one just as all people are not one.  Any group that wants to make that so are to be exposed  and every bit of transparency should be called for.  Bilderberg Group is at the top of the list that desires to bring about a one world govt.

I read somewhere that there was even a paper drawn up (don't know whether it was from a member of the Bilderberg Group or some other entity)  to make it possible for a delegate from the United Nations to act as interim "President" or "Prime Minister" of any country that was considered to be "under threat of internal or external elements".   The implications of such a measure are severe and far reaching and if not for  truth seekers,  the one-world govt would have been a very near possibility in the not too distant  future.  Don't forget how the European Union selected their honcho without an election. These powerful individuals are where they are because they can make things happen, things which you and every gullible soul on earth might think are not doable.

The MSM and every "journalist" and "reporter" seem to be sinking further into the mire of their own making by belittling people who want transparency and truth, no matter what. Almost every news item about the recent 2013 meeting of the Bilderberg Group is laced with  the phrase "conspiracy theorists"  and that's because "Truth" is a word that the MSM has deleted from its vocabulary.  Anything that will mean they would have to do a bit of  research  or actually move their butts and go to the scene of the action, is taboo ... so they browse through news items from other "reporters" and "journalists" who in turn have browsed through yet other news items, probably from bloggers, which sector as we all know, is becoming more and more dependable.

I know I have ranted a lot .... but I just get so mad with the present day "journalists" and "reporters" and the shit they spin.  I will post the link to the document about the United Nations being designated as head of country(ries)  when I find it.  I know I read it a while ago, and it must be somewhere on the net.

From DailyMailUK:
... It means any Brit who sent an email, uploaded a photograph, shared a link or watched a video on one of the breached sites in the past three years, may have done so under the watchful eyes of government spies.
Indeed, it will also pile pressure on Prime Minister David Cameron to explain how much he knew about the intrusion as he prepares to attend the secretive Bilderberg conference today, a closed-door meeting that conspiracy theorists already believe is where leaders plot world domination..........

From TheTelegraphUK:
...Conspiracy theorists claim it is a shadow world government. Former leading members tell the Telegraph it was the most useful meeting they ever went to and it was crucial in forming the European Union. Today, the Bilderberg Group meets in Britain.....

From International Business Times:
....Conspiracy theorists will likely be buzzing this weekend as the Bilderberg Group holds its 61st annual meeting, beginning Friday, at Watford's Grove Hotel in the U.K. The secret club is among the most popular topics for conspiracy theorists, with many believing its annual meetings of powerful people shape, or even control, the world.....

1 comment:

  1. Marie I think you should bring out the 'mad' every time you write something. LOL. Nice article.


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