Sunday, June 16, 2013

World gone totally, utterly, completely bonkers

I say it's to do with the sun flares and the earthquakes ... something is seeping out of the earth, getting mingled with the gas sent our way from the sun ... and triggering some violent impulses in our brains.  No jokes ... I am serious.

Sao Paulo erupts over hike in transit fares.   Are you watching and listening Toronto Transit Corporation?   There's only so much people will take and no more.  Especially, in lefty countries like Brazil, people expect the socialists to make sure that the cost of basic things remain within their reach but when the lefty govt. is unable to keep their promises .... all hell breaks lose.

The protests and riots are spreading to other cities of Brazil and it's all due to police brutality. Those bullies just wait for chances like these to hit out at defenseless citizens ... and all in the name of the law.

Adam Taylor writing at BusinessInsider:
....São Paulo Raised The Cost Of A Bus Fare By 10 Cents And The City Erupted Into Protests.  São Paulo has seen a fourth night of protests after an increase in bus and subway fares, and the BBC reports that things are starting to get violent.

The price rise itself may seem relatively insignificant — an increase of 3 reals ($1.40) to 3.20 reals ($1.50) per journey — but the protests show a growing unease with inflation and crime within Brazil, and unrest has begun to spread to other cities, including Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre.

Videos from the scene show police battling with large crowds, and there have been reports of petrol bombs being thrown. More than 200 people have been detained, and police are reported to have used both rubber-coated bullets and tear gas.......

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