Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Why is Quebec always at the forefront teaching immigrants how to assimilate and integrate ...

while the rest of Canada has its head in the sand?   Rules are meant to be followed by each and every team member.  If the rules say "no turban"  so be it.  The Sikhs can form their own teams and  then they can wear those huge big  turbans reaching to the sky and carry as many of the  curved little knives they carry  to their hearts content.  

This is yet another example of how certain backward cultures which are so heavily religion-dependent just cannot assimilate and neither will they even try to, with the Western culture. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.  Making it easy for immigrants with their numerous  fetishes to get away with anything and everything when they claim  "our religion requires it"  or "our religion does not allow us to do it" is pure stupidity and a disgusting display of  political correctness.  Many a time, I am of the opinion  that the white man and the future generations of white folks deserve what is coming to them. They have brought it on themselves.  Enjoy.

....Quebec Premier Pauline Marois is defending the Quebec Soccer Federation’s ban on turbans, which had triggered a national outcry over the controversial issue.
The move to uphold the turban ban has led to the suspension of the Quebec group’s membership from the national soccer organization.
The Canadian Soccer Association, which governs the sport in Canada, said after attempting to negotiate with the provincial federation, it had to intervene because there was no sign that the QSF would overturn its decision to restrict Sikh turbans, patkas and keskis on the soccer pitch. The CSA announced its decision to suspend the Quebec Soccer Federation late Monday.

Marois, leader of the sovereigntist Parti Quebecois, said Tuesday that it’s not the place of the Canadian Soccer Association to suspend a provincial soccer federation.
She said the Quebec soccer body is autonomous, has a right to establish its own rules and is not bound to the Canadian association.
Meanwhile, the Quebec Soccer Federation will hold an emergency meeting of its 18 regional presidents on Tuesday evening to discuss the ban. The meeting will be closed to the public......

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