Friday, June 14, 2013

Vengeful massacre by Sunnis on innocent Shiites villagers ....

probably in revenge for Assad's army  liberating  Qusayr  where the St.Elias church is located, from their monstrous hands.  

But, hey ... all's good!  Don't worry, be happy !   Our neighbour the USA and our "strong connection"  the UK  are with the Sunni murderers as are the Israelis, the French, the Australians, the Germans  and the entire group of Sunni nations who control the UN.   We better zip our mouths shut and not say anything against the Al Qaeda headchoppers known as  the FSA  or the glorious "Syrian opposition"  because Big Brother is watching and listening and Big Brother has a bad case of the Stockholm syndrome.  Big Brother is deeply in love with headchoppers and is under the impression that headchoppers won't cut off his head, not ever.

I wonder if the FSA or the glorious "opposition" make up even 5% of the rampaging gangs in Syria.  The Al Qaeda gangs are the proxy soldiers used by not only the "opposition" in Syria but by the Muslim Brotherhood wherever and whenever the need arises and farts-for-brains leaders of the Judeo-Christian nations listen to all the taqiyyah with open mouths and widened eyes....and give in to their suicidal tendencies.  We voted these idiots to where they are, we are guilty as well  for  the additional suffering  the Syrians will have to endure from now on.  At least some of us will acknowledge our guilt, unlike the politicians.

Fernande VanTets writing at IndependentUK:
60 Shia Muslims massacred   in rebel ‘cleansing’ of Hatla.  Up to sixty Shia Muslims have been killed in an attack by opposition fighters in the eastern Syrian town of Hatla. A video posted online on Tuesday, entitled “The storming and cleansing of Hatla”, showed fighters waving the black Salafi flag and celebrating.

“We have raised the banner ‘There is no God but God’ above the houses of the apostate rejectionists, the Shia,” the voice of the cameraman says.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed that thousands of rebels participated in the killings, although the footage of the attacks pictured just a handful of fighters. The death toll could not be independently verified......

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