Friday, June 28, 2013

USA bringing back non-essential spies from Egypt ...

and news of other going-ons before the toppling of their man Morsi on June 30.

Matthew Lee writing at BigStory:
... The Obama administration on Friday warned Americans against all but essential travel to Egypt and moved to reduce the official U.S. presence in the country amid fears of widespread unrest.

Just hours after Egyptian officials said an American had been killed in clashes between government supporters and opponents in the city of Alexandria, the State Department said Americans should defer nonessential travel to Egypt, citing the uncertain security situation. It also said it would allow some nonessential staff and the families of personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to leave Egypt until conditions improve.

"Political unrest, which intensified prior to the constitutional referendum in December 2012 and the anniversary in 2013 of Egypt's 25th January Revolution, is likely to continue in the near future due to unrest focused on the first anniversary of the president's assumption of office," it said. "Demonstrations have, on occasion, degenerated into violent clashes between police and protesters, resulting in deaths, injuries and extensive property damage."

"Participants have thrown rocks and Molotov cocktails and security forces have used tear gas and other crowd control measures against demonstrators. There are numerous reports of the use of firearms as well," it said.

The department added that it had authorized the departure of "a limited number of nonemergency personnel" in addition to family members........

From Reuters: 
.... Two people, one an American, were killed  when protesters stormed an office of Egypt's ruling Muslim Brotherhood in Alexandria, adding to growing tension ahead of mass rallies aimed at unseating the Islamist president.

A third man was killed and 10 injured in an explosion during a protest in Port Said, at the mouth of the Suez Canal. Police on Saturday said the cause was unclear but protesters, believing it was a bomb, attacked an Islamist party office in the city.

Egypt's leading religious authority warned of "civil war" after violence in the past week that had already left several dead and hundreds injured. They backed President Mohamed Mursi's offer to talk to opposition groups ahead of Sunday's protests.........

Bel Trew writing at AhramOnlineEnglish:
... Fierce clashes between supporters and opponents of President Mohamed Morsi   continue to rage into the night in Egypt's coastal city of Alexandria, following a day of rival protests nationwide that left one Egyptian and one US citizen dead.

An American man – a photographer who had gone to the Alexandria protests to film the event – was stabbed to death, while an Egyptian man succumbed to injuries sustained from birdshot.

Several Muslim Brotherhood offices were ransacked and some torched across the country, including the group's offices in Alexandria and the Nile Delta governorates of Beheira, Gharbiya, Daqahilyah and Kafr Al-Sheikh......

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