Thursday, June 27, 2013

United Kingdom of Great Caliphate wants to staple shut the mouths of freedom lovers

Does  anyone want any more proof than this that the once great UK is the first in the EU to embrace Shariah and give away the land to the advancing Caliphate without even the pretense of a fight?

 Ketih Vaz is an arsehole   and a big disappointment and a bigger embarrassment to the community he is supposedly from.  Mr. Keith Mega Stupid Vaz must  have a big block of Muslim voters in his constituency  so being the lying shitty politician that he is, he readily pimps  his integrity  for votes.  Ugh !!

From the BBC the faciliator of the Caliphate:
Two prominent US bloggers have been banned  from entering the UK, the Home Office has said.

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer co-founded anti-Muslim group Stop Islamization of America.

They were due to speak at an English Defence League march in Woolwich, where Drummer Lee Rigby was killed.

A government spokesman said individuals whose presence "is not conducive to the public good" could be excluded by the home secretary.

He added: "We condemn all those whose behaviours and views run counter to our shared values and will not stand for extremism in any form."......

.......EDL leader Tommy Robinson, meanwhile, criticised the decision and said Ms Geller and Mr Spencer were coming to the UK to lay flowers at the place where Drummer Rigby died.

"It's embarrassing for this so-called land of democracy and freedom of speech," he said.

"How many hate preachers are living in this country? It just shows what sort of a two-tier system we have here."......

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