Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The USA and the UK .... same, same ... when it comes to bugging phones

All done on the pretext of  keeping us safe, of course.  If they really had our safety at heart,  they would have controlled the number of Muslim immigrants to the West.

Turkey and Russia have angrily rounded on the British   government and demanded an explanation following revelations that their politicians and senior officials were spied on and bugged during the 2009 G20 summit in London.

The foreign ministry in Ankara said it was unacceptable that the British government had intercepted phonecalls and monitored the computers of Turkey's finance minister as well as up to 15 others from his visiting delegation. If confirmed, the eavesdropping operation on a Nato ally was "scandalous", it added.,,,,,,,,,,

.......In Moscow Russian officials said the Guardian revelation that US spies had intercepted top-secret communications of Dmitry Medvedev at a G20 summit in London in April 2009 would further harm the struggling US-Russia relationship and cast a shadow over the G8 summit in Northern Ireland on Monday and Tuesday.

Details of the spying, set out in a briefing prepared by the National Security Agency (NSA), were leaked by the whistleblower Edward Snowden and revealed by the Guardian late on Sunday. Documents show that US spies based in Britain spied on Medvedev, then the Russian president and now prime minister..........

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