Friday, June 14, 2013

Survey says menopausal women find blindfolded knife throwing at faux researchers bring instant relief

Below is a perfect example of how taxpayers' money gurgles down the drain when those huge grants and subsidies are given to brain dead universities and their equally brain-dead researchers to come up with any kind of  utter rubbish so long as it is cloaked in  intelligent sounding shit.  However, shit is shit, whether you paid 100s for the gourmet meal that produced it or a dollar at your nearest McDonald ....  and the only place for it is down the toilet hole.

From CalgaryHerald:
Theories abound as to why women go into menopause, but the latest hypothesis being put forward suggests it may be men — or specifically their preference for younger mates —that has led to women’s loss of fertility at a certain age.

Researchers at McMaster University believe that over tens of thousands of years, a lack of reproduction among older women has given rise to menopause as an unintended result of evolutionary natural selection.

Using computer modelling, the researchers found that over time, competition among men of all ages for younger mates left older females with much less chance of reproducing.

“We are saying somewhere along the line, men began to change their preference in mating,” said evolutionary biologist Rama Singh, co-author of the study published in this week’s issue of the journal PLOS Computational Biology.

“What we’re saying is that menopause will occur if there is a preferential mating with younger women and older women are not reproducing,” he said Thursday from Hamilton, Ont..........


  1. So they are basically implying is that women go into menopause because they are stressed and upset about men wanting younger women. What hogwash!

    1. Research on the most stupid nonsense is the order of the day. How else will these idiots justify the use of the millions of dollars that is allocated to these organizations for research into useless things? It boggles the mind that people actually get paid big bucks and get their analysis published and these analysis are then studied and referred to by future students in future studies of yet more rubbish.
      Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!

  2. There was a different study some years ago which said menopause worked because women stopped having baby after baby while still relatively strong and fit, and were then able to devote more time and resources to bringing up the children they did have, as well as being able to help with the next generation coming along. Think midwives and grannies.

    1. Study after study with one study contradicting the other and then yet others contradicting the earlier ones. They are mostly all scams put out there to show that the research grants did go into something ... even if the outcome was of no importance to mankind whatsoever.
      As far as I am concerned, menopause is a natural sign of ageing, just like grey in our hair. Some get grey hair long before others just like menopause. It has nothing to do with anything else no matter how many billions of dollars are thrown in the possibility and desire to find another cause.


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