Sunday, June 16, 2013

Russia's Vladimir Putin makes perfect sense, unlike the others at the G8 ...

including our own honcho, PM Stephen Harper.  What happens when one loses respect for the person one voted for and rejoiced at his victory?  Does it mean that come the next election, I sit home and not go to the polls or should I go vote for Elizabeth May of the Green Party or one of the other two?  So many choices and none of them include Harper !!

What Vladimir Putin said:
....The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, rounded on Britain on Sunday, accusing David Cameron of betraying humanitarian values by supporting Syrian rebels with “blood on their hands”.

In harsh and undiplomatic language, Mr Putin accused the UK and other Western powers of attempting to arm rebels who “kill their enemies and eat their organs”. He insisted that Russia would continue to arm what he said was the recognised “legitimate government” in Syria and called on other countries to respect the same rules..........

What Stephen Harper said:
Prime Minister Stephen Harperhas ruled out Canada’s support for arming rebel forces in Syria and lashed out at Russian President Vladimir Putin for supporting the “thugs of the Assad regime.”

“We want to see the opposition in Syria become more representative, less sectarian,” Mr. Harper told reporters after meeting Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny in Dublin. “We do worry about extremist elements in the opposition, we’re very clear about that.”....

.....Mr. Harper took exception to Mr. Putin’s stance.
"I don’t think we should fool ourselves. This is G7, plus one. That's what this is, G7 plus one," he said.
He added that the West has a very different view than the Russian President.
“Mr. Putin and his government are supporting the thugs of the Assad regime for their own reasons that I do not think are justifiable and Mr. Putin knows my view on that.”.....

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