Sunday, June 30, 2013

Russia's Foreign Minister responds to propaganda from the USA's alphabet networks

Those following the Syrian conflict must have noticed that last week the USA's alphabet media outlets  were reporting that the Russians are withdrawing personnel and naval support which had been planted in the Syrian waters.

From ABC and AP:
Russia has withdrawn all military personnel  from its naval base in Syria and replaced them with civilian workers, the Defense Ministry said Thursday.
The ministry did not say when the switch at the base at Tartus took place or how many personnel were deployed there. The minor facility is Russia's only naval outpost outside the former Soviet Union. It consists of several barracks and depots used to service Russian navy ships in the Mediterranean.
The ministry statement said that Tartus has continued to service the Russian navy ships.
"They are continuing to work in a regular mode, and there is no talk about their evacuation from Tartus," the statement said. "Tartus remains the official base and repair facility for the Russian ships in the Mediterranean and is continuing to fulfill its mission."
The ministry didn't explain why it was replacing military personnel with civilians, but the move could be part of efforts by Moscow to pose as an objective mediator trying to broker Syria peace talks.

That was nothing but propaganda on a grand scale.  Russia's Foreign Minister made no bones about that fact as below:

From  TheVoiceOfRussiaRadio:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has denied reports  that allege pending evacuation of the Russian naval logistic base from the Syrian Tartus port, VoR's correspondent Polina Chernitsa reports.
"The Tartus naval logistics facility operates normally. Evacuation of this base or its personnel is not on the agenda," he told a Friday press conference in Moscow......

Russia does not intend to close its Embassy  in Damascus nor its base of technical support for ships in Tartus, Lavrov said.
Russia does not intend to close its Embassy in Damascus nor its base of technical support for ships in Tartus, Sergey Lavrov has stated today following the talks with Moroccan counterpart Saad ad-Din al-Osmani.
"All these are rumors, which are intended to prepare the ground for actions aimed at changing the regime," the Minister said....

Lavrov also said this about the upcoming Geneva 2 conference:
"The activities aimed at providing weapons to the opposition, which have recently intensified, only means that the precondition [set by the opposition to restore the balance of power on the battle ground] is supported by the West and other countries which are going to supply such weapons, this contradicting the very concept of the conference, which is to begin without any preconditions," ...

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