Monday, June 10, 2013

Rob Ford and Amy Winehouse, same same .... says "journalist"

Rob Ford has a great family who  loves and supports him.  So .....even  if he does have, what Mr.Potter thinks are  "pathological cravings", that clique of  loving well wishers will be able to get the Mayor of Toronto off the "pathological cravings" and save him from not only  his supposedly destructive self  but also save him for the sake of his children, his family and also for the sake of this city.  Rehab is when an addict has reached that point of almost no return.   Even if the mayor has "pathological cravings"  he is nowhere near that point.

It's time the Press found something else to write about ... look about you,  there's plenty of stuff begging to be noticed.  Leave the man alone.... PLEASE !

Andrew Potter writing at Ottawa Citizen:
....  By now it is pretty clear that whatever else he may be, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is a very sick man who suffers from any number of pathological cravings, obsessions and addictions. And like all addicts, he has more than his share of enablers — people who gleefully propel his way down the road to self-destruction even as they pretend to be acting in his best interests.

For the better part of the past three years, pundits, reporters and fly-by-night political commentators have been proclaiming that Ford’s vices are actually virtues, that his addictions are features of his personality, not bugs, and that the brand identity that Ford Nation has been sold on is that he’s “authentic.”

They couldn’t be more dangerously, even criminally, wrong.........

........Imagine if, instead of being an alcoholic, Winehouse had cancer. And imagine she wrote a song called Chemo with the lyrics “they tried to make me go to chemo, I said ‘no, no, no’.” Or if she had an infection, and she sang “they tried to give me antibiotics, and I said ‘no, no, no’.” It would be a joke. But deep down, most of us don’t quite accept that alcoholism or drug addiction are diseases like any other. It’s self-destructive, sure, but there’s also something romantic about it.

When Winehouse recorded Rehab, she was telling the world that she didn’t buy into the notion that her drinking was an illness that needed treatment. When we bought the record by the millions and gave her a Grammy for it, we told her we agreed.......

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