Saturday, June 22, 2013

Phyllis Chesler to hackers: "Thank You"

Ms Chesler has an update to the article below which says:
As of today, June 20, Facebook has removed the fake account. I want to thank all of my supporters who helped in bringing this page down.

A number of prominent anti-Jihadists were all hacked last night. I am proud to be among them. I am not “naming names.” But here is the story.

Someone copied my photo and set up a new Facebook account in the name of another anti-jihadist, Pakistani-Canadian, Tahir Aslam Gora, in the hope that I would report Gora to Facebook and to the police. Meanwhile, the fake “Phyllis Chesler” began contacting all my real Facebook friends under the name of “Fatai Chesler.” Many were savvy enough to ask this unknown entity what books I had written or where I was born. His fake bio for me placed me in Toronto.

I definitely do not live in Toronto.

Tahir Aslam Gora (the real one) is a novelist and poet, the founder of the Canadian Thinkers’ Forum and the Muslim Committee Against Anti-Semitism.

He’s a “lantsman,” a colleague, an ally, one of the brave ones—although he is someone I have yet to meet. Please allow me to thank the hacker for introducing us. But why did he (or she) do so at this moment in time?

I can only guess. For a decade, I have been writing about Islamic gender and religious apartheid, anti-Semitism, Islamism, Jihad, terrorism, Jew hatred, Israel, and the misuse of language to incite hatred against infidels, honor killings, honor-based violence, and Muslim-on-Muslim violence.

But last night I wrote a few paragraphs at my Facebook page. I did not write a long piece, but it may have been just enough to get someone’s attention.

Last night, I saw the New York screening of counter-terrorism expert Steve Emerson’s film “Jihad in America: The Grand Deception.”

It is a sobering, even stunning film about the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in our country, also known as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim Student Association, Students for Justice in Palestine, etc.; as Hamas in Gaza; Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran; and that the MB may be the template for Al-Qaeda and for all such jihadist Sharia-oriented groups who dream of a global Caliphate.......

IMO, the hackers probably  were livid at  Canadian-Muslim  Tahir Aslam Gora  because they expect all Muslims to be Jew haters and they were not expecting him to vigorously condemn an anti-semitic attack on a Canadian-Jewish home.
This is what he had said on a marketwire news release:

The Muslim Committee Against Anti-Semitism Urges Police to Seriously Respond to Hate Crime in Toronto
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - June 18, 2013) - The Muslim Committee Against anti-Semitism (MCAAS) was shocked to learn Friday that a Jewish family in North York found their garage side-door covered in swastikas and hate language. Even worse, the threat: "Watch Your Children" was later found inside the garage with more Nazi graffiti.

"Progressive Muslims wish to show their solidarity with the targeted family and with the Jewish community. We stand with them against anti-Semitism" said. Tahir Gora, Director of MCAAS and the Progressive Muslims Institute of Canada (PMIC).

Mr. Gora personally called the mother of the family (who wishes to remain anonymous) on Monday.
"It meant a lot to me that he called" said the mother. "Mr. Gora said that they (MCAAS) supports us and recognizes this as a hate crime. He also said that they are committed to doing whatever they can in order to stop (the perpetrators) and we appreciate all this very much."

Asma Mahmood, Secretary General of PMIC urged Toronto Police to take this matter very seriously and bring the culprits to justice under the appropriate hate crime or other charges.
"This is a time to fight all sorts of bigotry together", added Asma Mahmood.....

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