Friday, June 21, 2013

Paging Jason Kenney, come in O mighty Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada

Check out the link below (supposed to be one of the Al Qaeda blogs) and you will understand why so many insightful Canadians are badgering our powers-that-be to put a complete stop to Muslim immigration to Canada.

Islam is not a religion.  It is a cult ... with a capital "C".  Each and every segment of the cult is rotten to the core.  Furthermore, we will never be able to afford to built the thousands of loony bins which will be required to house the members of this cult  nor will we have enough room in prisons for those who turn criminal on their way to the mad house.

Stop Muslim  immigration to Canada ....................PLEASE  DO  IT  NOW  before it's too late.  
Reading just one page of the madness in the link below has given me a  splitting headache.

Why are Muslims divided ....into sects?

The Qur'an replies this question in Surah Al Imran verse 103
"Hold to the rope of Allah strongly and be not divided".
The rope of Allah SWT is the glorious Qur'an. The Qur'an also says obey Allah SWT and obey the rasul.

In Surah Al An'am it is written "If anyone breaks the religion and divides the religion into sects O Prophet you have nothing to do with him. Allah will look after His affairs on the day of judgement.".
But when you ask the Muslim normally what are you, he says Sunni, or shia, or sufi, or hanafi, shafi, hambali, some say maliki, some say deobandi, some say Salafi, some say Jama'atul islamiyyah.
What was the Prophet Muhammad SAW? what was he? was he shia? hambali? shafi? no, he was a Muslim, simple as that.

Allah SWT says in the Qur'an in Surah Al Imran verse 52:
Jesus (pbuh) was a muslim

And in verse 67 Allah says
"Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to Allah ]. And he was not of the polytheists."

In Surah Fusilat verse 33 Allah SWT says
"Who is better in speech who invites in the way of thy lord, works righteousness and says that i am a Muslim". In another part of the Quran Allah says "O people of the book (Muslims, Christians, Jews) come to common terms that is equitable between us and you, that we worship non but God, that we associate no partners with him, that we erects non amongst ourselves as lords instead of Allah. But if they turn away, then say, Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]."

I am a Muslim, we are Muslims. no less than 22 places in the Qur'an Allah says call yourself a Muslim, call yourself a Muslim. Prophet Abraham in Surah Hajj asked God "make my children Muslims". All the great scholars of Islam, Imam Abu Hanifa, Hanbal, Malik and Shafi (may Allah SWT have mercy on them and may Allah SWT be pleased with them all) if you ask them what are they, what reply will they give you? we are Muslims. All the scholars said if you find any of my fatwa which goes against Allah SWT and his Rasul, throw it on the wall. All of them came to help us to become better practicing Muslims, not to divide the religion.

In Surah An Nisa verse 59 Allah SWT says "O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result". .......

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