Sunday, June 2, 2013


A reader of this blog who is totally against vaccines sent me the vid below after my post on the Judge John Deed TV episode.  Man-O-man,  I like differing opinions and different viewpoints.  I know that genetically modified foods are  shunned  by many but organic foods too can give you a whole new batch of ills.  I had a laugh towards the tail end of the vid where a couple of teens are asking what the heck Monsanto is because I was thinking the same thing.  The teens are told that all the fast food they eat is nothing but Monsanto and it will kill them.  Hahahahahahahah.
Please...dear video sender,  I am not laughing at your concerns nor your video but at the thought that such advice will not stop millions of people like me from eating junk food with relish. I spent several hours this morning reading the pros and cons of  Monsanto's products and I thank you for making me aware of something I didn't know of before today.

More info here,     here,  here and   here.

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