Sunday, June 9, 2013

India's Hindu extremists prove they can be as violent as jihadis

Religion is the cause of all evil almost all of the time.

From FidesOrg:  (Google translation from Italian)
....Hindu extremists brutally attacked 20 Protestant pastors of the Baptist Church in the district of Mahehwaram Mandal, territory of Hyderabad, the state capital of Andhra Pradesh in south-central India. According to a note of tells Fides' "All India Christian Council", an ecumenical organization of Christian communities in India, June 4 last about 50 militants "Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh" (RSS, "Corps volunteers Hindu") discontinued a retreat of the group of Baptist Pastors, insulting, beating them with sticks and hurting. During the violence, activists accused the pastors of conduct "activities forced conversion." Pastors were conducted in the hospital and filed a complaint with the police. In the coming days the Christian communities of the territory wishing to organize a peaceful march to protest the violence. 

"All violence must be condemned, but it must be said that incidents of this kind are not very frequent in Andhra Prdesh" says to Fides, p. Amal Yeruva, a Catholic priest of Hyderabad. "The Hindu extremist groups, in fact, are not very strong in Aadhra Pradesh as in other Indian states such as Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, partly because the political party that protects them, the BJP (Bharatiya Janta Party), it makes little later." 

The priest told Fides: "It must be said that the Catholic Church, a community of more ancient tradition, has no problem in carrying out pastoral activities, as sometimes happens, however, for the communities of Protestant Christian derivation. For our part, the dialogue with the community and with the Hindu leader is broad and fertile, and continues at all levels. The Catholic Church is highly respected in the state. " 

It is also evident from the way in the diocese of Hyderabad are moving forward "initiatives and programs for the Year of Faith: semiari, spiritual retreats and workshops for priests, religious and lay people who help the community to strengthen their faith and their witness. " According to a report sent to Fides by the "Global Council of Indian Christians" (GCIC) in 2012 were officially counted 135 attacks against Christians in India.....

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