Monday, June 24, 2013

Great day for Ontario: Uneducated Minister Laurel Broten quits

The only thing this woman had been well-versed in, is how to jump scandal ridden sinking ships.

She should have gone long ago. The harm done to the kids of Ontario during her tenure as the Minister of Education will be felt in the next few decades when we see sex related criminal cases and when delved into the background of the culprits, it will be revealed that they had spent their formative years in the schools of Ontario under the tutelage of the sex-driven agenda approved by the obscene Laurel Broten with support from the equally obscene and equally uneducated ex-Premier Dalton McGuinty. What a heavy black cloud to resign under!  But, why are we surprised?  The Left has no shame whatsoever.  In an accountable society, both these individuals would have been in jail for the harm they have wrought on Ontario, and in Dalton's case it was not only in the education sector  but in everything he touched.

Besides the depraved sexual education for tots, who can forget the Islamic prayer sessions in school cafeterias which went on under the education ministership of this immensely stupid woman  where girls had to sit way behind the boys and  menstruating girls had to sit almost near the exit?   We should not ever forgot that?!

Halifax parents please make sure that this woman does not go anywhere near your children's education. She will prefer to teach them sexual perversity more than anything else.  She might even introduce them  to Islamic prayers and conversion to that cult.

Ryan Wolstat writing at SunNewsNetwork:
....After nearly 10 years as an MPP, Liberal cabinet minister Laurel Broten is leaving politics.

Broten, Ontario's intergovernmental affairs minister, announced Sunday in a release that "it is time for me to look forward to the challenges of the next chapter in my career."

The MPP for Etobicoke-Lakeshore said she told Premier Kathleen Wynne she will step down as of July 2. She and her family will move to Halifax.

"I want to thank my friend Laurel for her dedication and hard work on behalf of the people of Etobicoke-Lakeshore and all of Ontario," Premier Kathleen Wynne said in a statement.

"For more than nine years, Laurel has been an integral member of our team, having served in such diverse portfolios as minister of children and youth services, minister of the environment and minister of education. In these roles and in everything she did, Laurel was a tireless advocate for the women of Ontario."

A lawyer, Broten was first elected to the Ontario legislature in 2003 after losing to Progressive Conservative Morley Kells in 1999.

"Throughout my life, I have always believed that change is good. That, in fact, change is really the only constant in our lives," Broten said, adding her decision was a difficult one to make........

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