Friday, June 21, 2013

Good News: Germany blocks Turkey worming into the EU ...

for now anyway.  Islamists know how to bid their time and wait patiently to pounce for the kill.   And, it wasn't just Germany.  One other EU nation too blocked the processing of the application. Probably a coward nation like either the UK or France who are too politically correct and don't want to be named ... or could it  be Portugal?  or Spain?  or was it the sly Sweden?  or the Netherlands?   See what happens when there's no transparency?   Everything and everybody becomes a suspect.

Juergen Baetz writing at AP
...Germany has blocked the next step in the European Union's membership talks with Turkey over Ankara's crackdown on anti-government protests, a diplomat from an EU nation said Thursday.

Berlin blocked the decision to open a new chapter in the long-running accession talks because "there are still open questions," said the diplomat.

The decision comes as a blow to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Turkish government, which faces increasing international scrutiny over its crackdown on several weeks of protests in Istanbul and other cities.

Pushing ahead with the EU accession talks as scheduled next week would have required unanimous approval at a meeting of top diplomats representing the EU's 27 member nations in Brussels on Thursday.

But Germany and another nation expressed reservations and blocked the move, the diplomat said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the closed-door meeting publicly. The diplomat declined to name the second nation.

Human rights groups have said that the protests in Turkey have left more than 5,000 people injured and more than 3,000 were detained, then released...........

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