Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Glenn Beck on world-changing implications due to Syrian refugee crisis

As usual, Beck knows that graphics work where mere words don't  for the short-span folks.

Erica Ritz writing at TheBlaze:
.... With President Obama’s announcement  that the United States will begin arming the Syrian rebels, many might think that the bloody civil war might soon come to an end.

But Glenn Beck argued on his television show Tuesday that the suffering is far from over, and that both Europe and the United States may face dire implications..........

“Who killed 98,000 people in [Syria] since the Arab Spring?” he demanded. “Who’s responsible? The president of the United States, the Center for American Progress, Samantha Power, Bill Kristol, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, all of the progressives that said let’s open up this Jeffersonian can of worms.”............

.......Beck spoke with TheBlaze’s Buck Sexton, who is currently on the ground in Amman, Jordan, about his conclusions.  Watch the full clip, below:.......

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