Monday, June 24, 2013

Egypt's imams call for non-Sunnis to be killed and the jihadis rehearse on their 1% Shiite population before crossing the borders to do more headchopping

What else can go wrong in Egypt?  Everything that can has.   The worst scenario would be when these sectarian conflicts are brought to the streets of Canada .... and that scenario is worth looking forward to... mind you, not for the bloodshed .. but to completely  bury the Liberal party as well as the commie NDP for sanctioning the import of  the followers of this savage murderous cult.  We should also not forget that it's the NDP who are vigorously against the deportation of terrorism-connected immigrants and keeping such elements inside Canada is begging for the Sunni-Shiite  kind of sectarian conflicts to happen here too.  I wonder what  these same advocates for import of these dangerous people to Canada will have to say when non-Muslim Canadians ... and per chance, their own flesh and blood are beheaded and lynched in the streets of Toronto, Ottawa, Edmonton and Montreal?  Too far-fetched?  Look at the entire Middle East region and look at EU and recollect if you had, maybe a few years back, envisioned what's  happening there today.

 ...Four Egyptian Shiite Muslims were killed on Sunday when they were attacked by a hostile mob in a village in Giza province near the capital, police said.

A house where the minority Shiites were meeting in Abu Mussalam was surrounded by residents who told them to get out.

When they refused, a crowd of several hundred people stormed the building and killed four Shiites and wounded several others, police said.

Shiites, who form just one percent of Egypt's population which is primarily Sunni Muslim, are often accused of being under the influence of Shiite-majority Iran.

Recent arrivals in Egypt of small groups of tourists from Iran had to be suspended following protests by hardline Salafists in the Arab world's most populous nation.

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