Monday, June 17, 2013

Edward Snowden, if he's killed by the USA or by the internet giants, will become the first true martyr of this century

He's a hero, IMO.  Another one is Wikileaks founder Assange, again IMO.  Tell the truth, shame the devil.
We keep complaining about how big and powerful those ruling over us are becoming and then when people like Assange and Snowden blow open the dirty laundry bags of the government  which should give us ammunition to hit them back with .... what do we do?  Instead of thanking the guys who helped expose the dirty laundry ... we crucify them.   Madness !!

And, don't tell me that telling military secrets is traitorous because then the enemy wins.  That might have been true long ago ... not now in our modern day and age when the government itself has become  the  biggest traitor of all by tying up the army, navy and what have you in the horror of political correctness on the battlefield.  If  the West had let their soldiers do what soldiers of the past did, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would have been done with within a year of their start.

Glenn Greenwald of TheGuardianUK who broke the biggest scandal ever  is live with Edward Snowden in a question/answer chat :

Edward Snowden Q and A:   NSA whistleblower answers your questions
LIVEThe whistleblower behind the biggest intelligence leak in NSA history is answering your questions about the NSA surveillance revelations – follow it live now......

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