Saturday, June 15, 2013

Big Brother USA's jihadi army in Egypt is galvanized to go chop off Alawite and Christian heads in Syria

Christians worth their salt, whether you be a lukewarm Christian like me or a die hard believer,  should never ever forget that it was the USA, a largely Christian nation, under the thumb of a Muslim president, who brought on World War III which completely wiped out Christianity not only from Syria but from all other countries in its vicinity and made that entire area into an  impenetrable stronghold of the Caliphate.

The most puzzling behaviour of all, at least from where I am standing,  is that of  Israel.  Aligning herself with the Sunnis is like aligning with one of the twins of pure evil.  The twins have the same calling and once the twins stop their presently ongoing squabbling and make up  (that's a foregone conclusion which I would have expected Israel to know) guess which country and which people stand the most to lose?   The enemy is almost at Israel's borders and yet Israel thinks Sunnis mean them no harm because the taqiyyah masters from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other sheikdoms have promised them so.  Sheesh !!!!   Grow up Israel, grow up before it's too late.

... Thousands of Islamists rallied   in the Egyptian capital on Friday in support of calls by Sunni Muslim clerics for a holy war against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
The demonstration took place outside a Cairo mosque where Saudi preacher Mohammed al-Oreifi called in a sermon for a "jihad in the cause of Allah in Syria."
Oreifi urged worshippers to "unite against their enemy."
Saudi Arabia, like Egypt, is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim country, and Sunnis are the backbone of the revolt against Assad, whose Alawite sect is an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

Demonstrators, most of them bearded and wearing the traditional white galabiya, shouted "there is no God but Allah, and Bashar is his enemy."
People waved not only the Egyptian flag but also the one adopted by the Syrian opposition.
On Thursday, influential Sunni clerics from several Arab states called for a holy war against the "sectarian" regime in Syria.
"We must undertake jihad to help our brothers in Syria by sending them money and arms, and providing all aid to save the Syrian people from this sectarian regime," they said in a statement at the end of a gathering in Cairo.......

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