Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Besides the USA, does the Caliphate of Libya aid the headchoppers in Syria? Yup ...a whole bloody lot.

Wanna know who are the scum who will be becoming the world's  new batch of muti-billionaires?    Look at the weapon manufacturing companies and look at those who have sizeable stakes in those firms.  Then look at all the gun runners.  Scum benefit at the cost of human blood.

Jessica Donati, Ghaith Shennib and Firas Bosalum writing at ReutersIndia:
....Abdul Basit Haroun says he is  behind some of the biggest shipments of weapons from Libya to Syria, which he delivers on chartered flights to neighbouring countries and then smuggles over the border.
After fleeing Libya in his 20s, Haroun established himself as a property developer in Manchester. After about two decades in the British city, he returned to Libya in 2011 to fight in the revolution, where he became a prominent rebel commander.
He says he sends aid and weapons to help Syrians achieve the freedom he fought for during the Libyan revolution.
The first consignment of weapons was smuggled into Syria aboard a Libyan ship delivering aid last year, Haroun says, but now containers of arms are flown "above board" into neighbouring countries on chartered flights.
In the months since Haroun began his work, arming the rebels has moved up the international agenda, with Saudi Arabia equipping them with missiles, and Washington also planning to send weapons to the men fighting President Bashar al-Assad.
Haroun spoke to Reuters over coffee and homemade cake late at night at his villa on the outskirts of Benghazi, the eastern city that began the uprising that deposed Muammar Gaddafi.
His son, a young man who spoke English with a Manchester accent, offered help with weapon prices and other details.
Haroun was upset the West had not intervened in Syria, as it did in Libya and said the opportunity to avert a larger war had been missed.
"Even when the war in Syria ends, there will be another war in region; Sunni against Shia. At the beginning, there was just Assad to bring down ... now Hezbollah, Iran are involved.".........

Google translation from an AlAkbar article:
...sent over the past year three shipments   of weapons of steamboats from Benghazi to Turkey and then overland to Syria, the latest in nearly a month from now. This is revealed exclusively for the channel is now one of the organizers send this Alokad, which oversees the process of charging weapons . offer you here the first exclusive photos of these shipments, has concealed the faces of the participants in this campaign for security reasons. the pictures show Libyans carrying ships vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns in the port Benghazi. these pictures military vehicles with anti-aircraft weapons, and large quantities of ammunition. all these weapons, does not come from any party government, but donated by battalions Libyan participated before in the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime. 
According to the source, charging so far about one hundred and twenty rockets anti-aircraft type Sam seven laptop on the shoulder, and it was these missiles greatest credit for dropping helicopters and other aircraft belonging to the Syrian regime last year, but the source who preferred not to provide us with those images 
. assistance battalions Libya in Benghazi, the Syrians are not limited to arms, but also include food and medical as well. across the Mediterranean sailing ships to arrive in the end to Turkey without any problem, and is not known whether there was prior coordination with the border guards of the Turkish introduction of these shipments to Turkey and from there to areas controlled by the opposition in the north of Syria. 
ships are not the only way used by the Phalange Libya to send arms and food to the opponents Alsoreyen, has hired these battalions aircraft as well, since even sent at about twenty-seven aircraft to Turkey, specifically to Gaziante....

Ian Drury writing at DailyMailUK:
....  Don't turn Syria into a 'Tesco for terrorists'   like Libya, generals tell Cameron.  Up to 3,000 surface-to-air missiles went missing in Libya.Up to 3,000 surface-to-air missiles have gone missing in Libya since the conflict -  and spy chiefs say the state has become the 'Tesco' of the world's illegal arms trade.
More than one million tonnes of weapons belonging to Colonel Gaddafi were looted from arms dumps after the dictator was toppled in October 2011.
MI6 agents fear large numbers of weapons - which included 22,000 shoulder-launched missiles capable of bringing down an aircraft - have been smuggled out of Libya to groups linked to Al Qaeda....

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