Sunday, June 30, 2013

Believe It or Not! FBI does not want to offend Muslim criminals, so erases their faces from wanted posters

UK has pimped herself  to the Caliphate. She's done for.
Next in line is the USA.  Start weeping for your kids and grandkids if not for yourself.
Is anyone keeping an eye on the number of  Muslim refugees in the USA from Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Somalia, Yemen and other places where the USA was/is an active participant for the creation of the refugee situation?  Those numbers must be close to a million by now .... is there any transparency in that area?  The UN must have insisted that the USA accept  tens of  thousands of refugees and the USA must have obliged.  Do Americans still think they can escape the coming Caliphate?
Muslim refugees to the Judeo-Christian countries are the fruits of the wars in Muslim countries that the Judeo-Christian nations get involved in.

Arnold Ahlert writing at FrontPageMag:
....In the same war against truth that recently saw  the UK ban Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, the FBI announced it will be pulling ads featuring wanted terrorists off Seattle-area buses, due to complaints that they stereotype Muslims.

The 46 ads are part of a campaign initiated by the Puget Sound Joint Terrorism Task Force for the State Department’s “Rewards for Justice” program. Sixteen photos of wanted terrorists are featured beneath the heading, “Faces of Global Terrorism.” Below the photos, the tagline reads, “Stop a Terrorist. Save Lives. Up to $25 Million Reward.”

On Tuesday, Titan, the company handling King County Metro bus advertising, received a request from the agency task force, asking that the ads be taken down, according to King County Metro spokesman Jeff Switzer. Switzer further revealed that King County Metro had receive six complaints about the ad on its customer information line. FBI Special Agent Fred Gutt said the pullback was “a result of our continued engagement with the community and the feedback we are getting.”.......

....With respect to both the Seattle bus ad debacle and the banning of Spencer and Geller, the common denominator is the vicious effort to conceal the truth about terrorism and its primary cause, radical Islamic ideology. Meanwhile, those who oppose the true hate preachers and violence promoters are delusionally accused of the very crimes they seek to expose. Every one of the men pictured in the bus ads in Seattle is a dedicated terrorist. Yet as far as the unholy alliance of American leftists and Muslim activists is concerned, any depiction of that reality constitutes “Islamophobia.” The same unholy alliance in the UK countenances the likes of Choudary and al Arefe, while those who would challenge their despicable world view are literally barred from entering the country. The Orwellian paradigm of “war is peace … ignorance is strength” is rapidly becoming too hegemonic to combat......

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