Thursday, May 23, 2013

Yawn .........Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Can we please move on to the the next "scandal".  I hear someone out there has a video of  Angelina Jolie's  boob-less chest and another someone somewhere has a video of Kim Kardashian showing off her fat pregnant stomach, nice fat navel cavity and all.

How about starting a campaign to get those videos ?  Come on, come on,  get cracking on that !

From the mangy Hound Headquarters:
Rob Ford crack scandal:  Gawker’s ‘Crackstarter’ campaign hits snag as it nears $200,000 goal, editor says
John Cook, editor of U.S. website Gawker, hasn't been able to speak with his source since Sunday, he wrote.....

From tick infested yelping puppies:
Alleged Ford crack video seller not responding to calls.....

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