Monday, May 6, 2013

What's not to like about bombs going off at Islamist party rallies ? More, more please !!

Have you noticed how most of us are now ignoring  news of  Muslims getting killed in the mad world of the islamic cult?  The more of them killed, the better the chances for our own survival.

The funny side of today's bombing is that Reuters says the Taliban has claimed responsibility whereas other news sources  are saying the target was a pro-Taliban rally.  Reuters is seldom accurate, so I will go with the other sources.

From Voiceof Africa:
Pakistani officials say a bomb blast  has killed at least 15 people and wounded 45 others at an election campaign rally for a pro-Taliban party in the country's northwestern tribal belt, near the Afghan border.

Authorities said Monday the explosion occurred near the main stage of a rally for the right-wing Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam, a religious party in the outgoing government coalition in Kurram, one of the seven districts making up Pakistan's tribal belt.......

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