Monday, May 27, 2013

Warmongers defeat Rand Paul's amendments much to the delight of Al Qaeda

Bet they will go on a headchopping spree to show their gratitude towards the USA..... on US soil in the very near future.  This is our brave new world.  Much worse than Orwell's "1984"  and far beyond Aldous Huxley's imagination.

Joe Wolverton writing at TheNewAmerican:
....“This is an important moment.You will be funding, today, the allies of al Qaeda.”

That was the declaration Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.; pictured) made on May 21 during a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Paul’s comments were directed at his colleagues, nearly all of whom voted to send arms to Syrian rebels.

Senators Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) co-sponsored the bill that authorizes “critical support to the Syrian opposition through provision of military assistance, training, and additional humanitarian support.”

The bill sailed through the committee, passing with bipartisan support by a vote of 15-3.

Senator Paul offered two amendments to the bill — officially styled the Syria Transition Support Act — one that would have forbidden the transfer of weapons to the rebel forces fighting to oust the government of current Syrian president Bashar al-Asad, and another that would have prevented the use of U.S. military armed forces in Syria.

Both of Paul’s amendments were rejected by the committee.....

.........Rubio, described by many as a Tea Party favorite, chastised Senator Paul, refuting his allegation that a vote for arming the Syrian rebels was tantamount to giving guns to al-Qaeda.

"I don't think any member of this committee would vote for anything we thought was going to arm al Qaeda," said Rubio.....

.....Never one to miss a chance to take his turn banging on the war drum, Senator John McCain mocked an amendment offered by Senator Tom Udall (D-N.M.) that would have placed more stringent controls on the type of weapon shipped to Syrian rebels.

"The senator from New Mexico wants to use shotguns against SCUD missiles," McCain said.........

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